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•   Ian (Toby) French  6/16
•   Linda Dinius (Benson)  5/29
•   Eileen Saunders  5/19
•   Robert (Tony) Hannaman (Hannaman)  12/20
•   Patti Tennis (Flynn)  12/20
•   Philip Marsh  12/16
•   Barbara Stevenson (Garcia)  10/11
•   Chris Hummel  10/4
•   Lynn Williamson (Franklin)  9/28
•   Bob Buchek  9/6
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
5 live in California
4 live in Colorado
1 lives in Delaware
4 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kentucky
3 live in Louisiana
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
3 live in Missouri
6 live in New Mexico
1 lives in New York
1 lives in Oregon
2 live in Pennsylvania
168 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Aruba
1 lives in Iraq
162 location unknown
67 are deceased


•   Linda Cook (McNeil)  7/31
•   Marty Harris, Jr.  8/1
•   Patricia (Trisha) Wiggins (Lee)  8/1
•   Robert Alexander  8/2
•   Sally Wood (Keedy)  8/3
•   Kathy Jo Smith  8/4
•   Carolyn Clark (Patterson)  8/5
•   Michael Hertz  8/5
•   Winifred Heaney (Mundinger)  8/8
•   Yvonne Melland (Jenkins)  8/8
•   Neil Ruttenberg  8/8
•   Henry Moore  8/9
•   Charles Schuchard, Jr.  8/9
•   Lee Jackson  8/11
•   Mike Mount  8/12
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 58.9%

A:   232   Joined
B:   162   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


to the

Alamo Heights High School

Class of 1969 website

(now over 193,000 hits)





Sarah Conger hosted a great luncheon for Jane's friends and classmates on Reunion Saturday, October 26, 2019





Just wanted to drop you a note to say how much I enjoyed getting to see you and Betty at this event. It was nice getting to actually visit a little bit at the lunch on Saturday because it was so laid back.
Thanks again for taking this project.  The website was awesome and fun. This is probably the closest I’ll get to doing Face book. As soon as my 16 year old helps me, I’ll e-mail you the photo from lunch, which is decent. You are a good guy. Bob A.

What a great job.
We have a great group and class of people. You make it exceptional.
Thanks for setting such a warm and friendly tone for everyone to enjoy. Don


In a last gasp, I wrote Nancy Folbre at her university in Massachusetts and got a great response and a promise she'd be there for the 50th.  It was wonderful. Thank you!  Nancy


Gil,  thanks for putting the web site together. It's great to have. Had a great time at the reunion. Thanks for all you did.   Hans


Please do a 45th! I will be happy to pitch in and help. Last night was perfect! Thank you Gil, Anne and the rest of your committee. Your hard work made for this successful evening. Ralph Lehr


Hey Gil!     Hope you're enjoying the cooler weather.  How much sleep did you and Betty end up getting?  I'll bet you got more than I did.  I went over to Lukin's after party and didn't get to bed until 5AM!  Haven't done that in years! Some pictures are included also from  Saturday night, including bonus pictures of Rick Shaw and Nash Hardeman from the Class of '70. Did you notice that everyone wanted to pose with Berler's date?  Talk to you later.   Randy


Thank you again for all your work on the reunion. It was great fun.  I was glad to catch up with all those people.  I think we aged well. The pictures are great.  Connie


Gil, If you can keep the web site going, I will sign up. If there needs to be a fee, that's okay. This has been really helpful as I am going to drop out of (Not enough people respond back.) Please notify us of any changes. Thank you so much!  Gay Orsinger Parks


Hey Gil -- Just wanted to add my thanks and congratulations for a great reunion Web site and for bringing us together online! We all need to keep in touch and meet up again in five(?) years. Love to all,  Marie -- Your Hoof Print Editor


Gil, you did such an amazing job of putting this all together, and everyone was really touched. I have a bunch of pictures from Fri. night, but can't figure out how to post them. Thank you again for all of the hard work you put into this. (Sorry if the directions for adding the pictures is in an obvious place, but you know me.)  Glenna

Reunion was much fun! Hope we have a 45th! The website is a great way to catch up with all of those we lost touch with years ago. Gil, I hope we can keep it running and let me know if I can help! Thanks to all who put this together.  Linda B
This song always reminds me of the rodeo, in particular the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo in 1969, where we went for Senior Day. I hope it brings back fond memories for you too.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Before our upcoming reunion I would like to suggest a project called WHAT BECAME OF US.

Basically, what we dreamed of becoming leaving high school and where we ended up. A brief explanation on the evolution of you.

Example: Neil Ruttenberg -- I wanted to write books or movies in high school. That's all I ever dreamed about. That's exactly where I ended up with a few detours in the beginning. I managed to write 32 screenplays (paid to write 20), 10 plays, four novels and 47 songs.

For others perhaps it was the road not taken.

Bob Alexander became an attorney. Did he always want to go into law? Was there another alternate history he would have liked to have lived?

Tell me what you think.

Neil Ruttenberg

Hi fellow classmates, I just updated my profile since moving to Maryland in May 2022.
Take care & stay well. deb

Indie Reader says:
Neil Ruttenberg's riveting crime novel, NEVER GROW UP, features a disturbing serial-killer in a version of 'Peter Pan' that is quite relevant to what's actually befalling way too many young people in society today.

Ode to the 50th

By Valerie (Schroeck) Geesaman

50 Year Reunion. The time went by so fast!
I can't be there to celebrate, nor see friends from the past.

I couldn't find my yearbook to help me recognize
the once familiar faces with whom I had school ties.

I can barely know myself, while looking in the mirror.
It seems my Grandma has returned. Of that, I can't be surer!

“That is not I” my brain shouts out. I'm too young to have those wrinkles.
It's good I now have cataracts, so I don't see all the crinkles!

Wait a minute. It's not so bad. The years go by. Who's counting?
I still can ride my silly mare, though I need a step for mounting.

I take my dog for daily runs. The golf cart, I do drive.
She's way too fast for me (on foot.) I might not stay alive!

My knees are shot from years ago, while running 10K races.
But, it's okay. I feel alright, while wearing my knee braces.

Getting old is not for sissies. The saying proves so true.
It's challenging, to say the least. Just read “Medicare & You.”

To sum it up, I'll do my best to be an optimist,
and get myself in better shape for Reunion 55th!

Have fun, everyone!

Check out my first novel on Amazon. It's called Six Gun Mojo. I'd post a link, but I don't know how. - Neil Ruttenberg

I shall always remember Mme Brann. She was a wonderful teacher, and a fine, kind human being. And boy did she love French! Mme Brann not only taught me my first words in the French language, but she shared in the most memorable, incomparably enthusiastic way the French culture to a bunch of largely unknowing Texas kids. It had a profound effect on me. I continued studying French at university; spent my junior year in Pau and Paris in an Education Abroad Program through the University of California; have spent many and my best vacations in Paris, Bretagne and Menton; and both my girls went through French schools. All this started in her classroom, to which she would bring baguettes (not “French bread”) and fromage, Charles Aznavour (she was in love with him) records, as well as Edith Piaf’'s, and of course films de Jean-Louis Trintignant. I’m sure she would have brought Chateauneuf du Pape if it was a college class. What love of the subject, what enthusiasm she projected! I loved going to her class, and it’'s one of the few classes I can actually close my eyes and conjure up many memories of actually being in class— more than 45 years later. She didn’'t teach us just about a language, she introduced us to one of the great cultures of the world.
Je suis très désolé I never reached out to you, Mme Brann, and thanked you for what I learned from you and what it has meant to me over the years. BTW, I can still recite my Paul Verlaine you taught me by heart:

La lune blanche
Luit dans les bois ;
De chaque branche
Part une voix
Sous la ramée...
Ô bien-aimée.
L’étang reflète,
Profond miroir,
La silhouette
Du saule noir
Où le vent pleure...
Rêvons, c’est l’heure.

Un vaste et tendre
Semble descendre
Du firmament
Que l’astre irise...
C’est l’heure exquise.

Adieu, Madame 
Votre étudiant, Roger Swanson

From Chuck Sullivan:

Guys, Gals, who would have believed it ? That we would be around in 2012 ! I don't plan on "checking out" anytime soon. But I am grateful for the wonderful friends and acquaintances I have met along my journey. I feel blessed to have attended Woodridge, A.H. Junior High and A.H. High School...with so many wonderful people. I miss Doug Taylor, my next door neighbor and childhood bicycle riding buddy. I reflect on past friends, alive and dead. They have all contributed to who we are. I wish all of you, your children and grandkids, a healthy and prosperous 2012. Gail, I thank you for being such a wonderful sister. Chris (Hummel), I thank you for being such an awesome, awesome friend. Bob(West) thanks for patching me up last year ... from my two bicycle accidents .Gary(Gates) thanks for your friendship. And if any of you classmates feel down, drop a call or shoot an email. Hell, Chris and I need an excuse to ride our motorcycles.(and no, California, Washington or New England are NOT too far) Your friend, chuck

I am looking for Olmos' for 1967,1968 and 1969 but don't know where to search. If anyone out there would like to sell them-I'd be happy to buy them. If anyone knows whether AHISD has any surplus supply (ludicrous,huh?),please steer me in the right direction.Thank you very much, Gabrielle Peak

Many of you may remember Bill Swinny from our years at Alamo Heights. Don Reser has provided us with a most informative link that recognizes the many achievements of Bill and his wife Frances throughout their illustrious careers in the field of drama, including a prestigious award bestowed on them in October of 2010. Enjoy!                                    Randy Lockwood

To All Classmates:  We've had several recent Email bounce backs.  Please update your email addresses if no longer valid.  Also, please add our Class of 1969 emails to your contacts or safe senders folder so they won't end up in the junk or spam section.  Finally, to all of our classmates that haven't submitted an email address to our site, please consider doing so. Its the easiest way to keep in touch!


I just thought it might be a good time to post our memories of Chalfant Peak. Mine is a little off-color and involves my education regarding a certain human bodily function upon viewing a common word for said bodily function on the back of the seat in front of us as Chalfant and I rode together on the bus to the symphony together in 4th grade, I think. Chalfant provided the graphic definition of the term; I was incredulous, but ultimately, grateful for the info. Thank you Chalfant, for assisting my entrance into adulthood. I wish you the most peaceful journey into the Beyond and will remember you always as wiser than me.

                                                                                      Nancy Johnson Nystrom