Alamo Heights High School
Class Of 1969
Don Reser
Residing In: | San Antonio, TX USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Marie Ann Kisner |
Homepage: | |
Occupation: | Realtor/Attorney/MBA/GRI |
Children: | Rebecca Johanna 1987 IT consultant for USAA. * Commissioner General Operations Assistant More… |
Military Service: | United States Courts |
Don's Latest Interactions
I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with Don's wife and family. He was a good guy. So sorry.
Don, you made friends beyond counting in your life, and the thoughts and prayers of them all are with you and your family. Vaya con Dios, Don.
As the new year starts, I wish everyone the very very best.
Posted on: Dec 14, 2015 at 3:33 AM
Happy B day Tiny. Hope all is well with you. You are one day younger than me, you baby.
Looking forward to your party, but want you to know what a wonderful friend you truly are to me and Marie. Thank you so much.
Hey old man, you are 25 days older than me. LOL. You are the greatest.
Posted on: Nov 10, 2015 at 6:18 AM
New Mexico is a very very beautiful place. Hope all is well with you and thank you for the kind comments you made. BTW Larry Beck was born on the 12th you on the 13th and me on the 14th. Best wishes. Thank you for your prior kind comments.
Ken hope all is well with you, Marie asks about you all the time.
What a wonderful man and I am crushed at his loss, even though we did not keep in contact. I care so much about each and every 1969 graduate all of whom all were so good to me. We were and are so lucky to have had such wonderful people that surrounded us.
It remains amazing to me how close we were all connected. Spooiler allert, but I can still remember playing in Jamie Smith;s sand box in our underwear. I am sure he will deny it, but it is true. His family, inclding his sisters, had pruchased what they called a ranch north of San Antonio. I had the chance to drive with all of them to see it, but since my Great Grandfather and Cousins still own individually more land than any Texan natiive, I was keeping my mouth shut.
My wife, Marie Kisner, you may remember her from the Hoof Print, says Teedy Roosvelt after graduating from Harvard and spending two days at Havard Law School tells me he said that laywers were the scum of the Earth and quit law school. I am not sure if the story is true but that is what she tells me. My personal advice is never to argue with her.
I can also remember driving around with the now super rich stud Dude Steen to take down flyers for his campaaign.and as well as the old car we let everyone smack with a sledge hammer for fifty cents. He had more anger and motive than anyone.
Does anyone know anything about the very fine person who was his opponet. He was in Vocational Education wihich at the time was somewhat deriided.
Love and care about each and every one of you.
I am personally deeply grateful to Anne Mortimer and Randy Lockwood and Gil Price for the time and effort to keep our class in tack.I am especially grateful to Gil because I "according to Jackie Nahoun" was over served liquour at his party after the reunion. This is actually not true I over served myself and Gil and his wife handled me with such class. Watching the videos he had were just way way over the top.
If anyone needs help in any way please contact me.
Again, classmate love and best whishes.
As we get older not sure it is a happy birthday or a congratulations on Irving or sub-riving. Congratulations on your daughter, I have two and finally beginning on May 28th I became a GRANDFATHER. Deep thanks for your military service.
I forget to say you are 36 days older than I am. LOL. Congratulations on a daughter. I became a grandfather on May 28th.Wishing you nothing but the best.
You are such a very beautiful person and I wish you the very best on your birthday. Thank you for being a member of our wonderful class site.
You are so lucky to still have your Mother. I miss mine very much.
Posted on: Oct 15, 2015 at 1:49 PM
Happy B day Shellie, you are now 21 and allowed to have alcohol.